Saturday, October 11, 2008

Op Art

Ten Good Things About Surgery

1. Everyone was on time, and everyone was kind.

2. Warm pre-op blankets. As many as I needed.

3. Reiki treatments before and after.

4. Singing along with Spring Awakening ("I Believe") as they wheeled me into the O.R.

5. The nurses laughed out loud with me, to relieve stress.

6. Lynn, the O.R. nurse, held my hand and read five times, as requested, "You are calm and relaxed. The surgery will go perfectly and you will heal beautifully."

7. So did the surgeon. And he sounded like he meant it.

8. "Next thing I knew" worked, as everyone promised. I don’t remember a thing.

9. I have nothing scheduled for ten days.

10. YouTube 24/7.

Ten Bad Things About Surgery

1. YouTube 24/7.

2. I feel like a zombie.

3. The pain gets worse after the anesthesia wears off, as everyone promised.

4. I spent $30 on a painkiller that wired me into oblivion. It’s nonrefundable.

5. The weather is perfect and I could care less.

6. The post-op nurse’s phone-side manner is . . . lacking.

7. Sophia and Sascha are picking up my zombie vibes.

8. Baby food tastes disgusting. Except for the carrots.

9. I can’t really brush my teeth because of the bleeding risk.

10. I can’t sleep.

So was it worth it? I'll let you know next week, if I'm still awake.


Phylo said...
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Phylo said...

WOW Deb, Where the heck did you have surgery?

All I remember is telling the anesthesiologist that I was a singer and to be careful..(suggestion from Susan) and the one thing I'd like to forget, my tragic bedpan incident.
Other than that I don't think I even wrote about it on my blog. Hmm, maybe I should...